Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Practice Makes Perfect free essay sample

Practice is the constant use of one’s intellectual and aesthetic abilities. Perfection refers to achieving excellence is a particular subject. Proper planning and practice promotes perfect performance. Practice is the quality that prepares one for all other qualities. Practice enables one to avoid errors that were done previously. Practice begins in the cradle and ends in the grave. Rights from childhood, man practices various activities. Perfection is necessary in every sphere of life which includes arts, medicine, law, defence, etc. Perfection makes art and literature survive the tests of time. A person cannot be perfect in every sphere of life. But repeated practice lessons one’s deficiencies. One should also learn from one’s failures. Failures are the stepping stones to success. Practice enables a person to reach the heights of success. It makes a man perfect. You cannot become a world-class musician unless you take up your instrument and play on it daily for hours together. We will write a custom essay sample on Practice Makes Perfect or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You cannot become a Tendulkar merely through inborn skill. You have to go to the nets every day for hours to practise. You need a coach to guide you an tell you where you go wrong. Merit-holders in board examinations do not achieve their marks by pure inspiration. They have studied throughout the year and revisedand re-revised and made themselves perfect in whatever they have set out to study. It is only regular practice that makes one perfect. If you don’t practise your work regularly, you will, at the most, be average in your performance. You will not win prizes or medals or awards. the most difficult task can be performaed by anyone if they take the trouble to practise daily and regularly. In fact, you can achieve almost anything with practice. Practice makes perfect free essay sample Looking back on my first essay, I think to myself, what is that? It’s sort of like a huge puzzle missing a few pieces. My introduction was a mind boggling mess. Its question after question. And I obviously didn’t have a clue to what a thesis statement was considering I didn’t even include one in my first essay. Another huge mess was my conclusion paragraph. I was still focused on summarizing what I had already written because that was what I was taught in High School. Thankfully, I have learned how to write a good introduction, clear thesis statement, and a not so summarizing conclusion. I have struggled with writing introductions because I was taught that you should start with a question. Which I do, but sometimes I get carried away and ask too many, which makes it confusing for the reader. But once I was taught to just focus on one question as my attention grabber I began to do just that, essay four is a very good example of using just one question. We will write a custom essay sample on Practice makes perfect or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Introductions used to be a weak point for me in my writing because I was worried about catching the reader’s eye that I would try to do it in many different way, which only caused confusion. In high school I was never taught how to write a thesis statement. I honestly didn’t even have a clue to what a thesis statement was as you can tell in essay one, because I didn’t include one. As I wrote each essay my thesis statements began getting better and better. By essay two I was pretty go at it, but by the forth essay I was a master. My weakest point in writing was always the conclusion paragraph. That is because I was taught that the conclusion paragraph was for summarizing what you already have written. Once I was taught that, it was hard to get out of the habit. In my first essay it was the toughest because I had no idea how to end my story. I struggled with that conclusion paragraph for two days, until I finally decided to wing it. That wasn’t a good idea at all considering I had to write a different ending when it came to revising it. My revision wasn’t any easier for me since I was struggling with the conclusion paragraph. Behind every weakness I have a strength in my writing. I am excellent at creating a title for each essay. For me titles are a huge part of the essay. The title is make it or break it in my opinion. It’s the first thing the reader reads, and if it doesn’t grab their attrition their probably not going to read any more of it. My motto is tostart out strong and finish stronger. From the start of my essays I think my titles are great. It’s sort of my way of giving the reader a sneak peak behind the story. I am also excellent at including tons of specific details in my writing. Right off the bat in my first essay just by reading the first few lines, you can already pictu re what you’re reading. You can see and feel the rage I’m going through. You can picture what my ideal wedding will be like. You can feel the love that my boyfriend and I share. But that’s only the first essay. In essay four, I wrote about pit bulls and how they are just like any other dog. This was a little bit more difficult to write specific details in because it was a research paper but I felt as if I mastered it. Throughout this semester we have been giving instructions on many different types of essays to write. This has help me get familiar with many different writing techniques and have made me into a better writer. We have written a research paper which has made me familiar with MLA format and how to quote a source in my paper. It has also taught me how to write longer papers instead of just a few pages. We has also written a book review for the Unlikely Disciple which has made me familiar with siting. I had trouble with this essay from the start because I was never assigned to write a book review before in High School, so I got paranoid about it. Even my revision for this particular essay wasn’t any good, because not only have I never written a book review I had never read one either. Although I struggled with writing a few of these essays, I really enjoyed writing them. My favorite essay that I wrote was the first essay about getting engaged to my boyfriend of two and a half years. I had a lot of fun writing this essay because it was so close to my heart. My least favorite essay was essay three, the book review on the Unlikely Disciple. It was by far the most difficult essay for me to write because I wasn’t familiar with siting things in my papers. But, I’m glad I was giving this assignment because I learned a lot from it and will definitely be using what I learned in the future. As I look back on all of these essays, I have begun to realize how much I have learned about writing in these sixteen short weeks. These essays have made me into a better writer, and have made me want to write a lot more just for fun. I stared this class thinking I already knew how to write a paper, and I came out of the class with a lot more knowledge on writing a better paper than I expected.